

Sound & Lite – Show Design – Pt.3 “Show…

Vi racconto di quelli che all’estero chiamano “Show Moments”, una definizione che si sente spesso da manager, tour manager e artisti.

È una di quelle parole che odiamo, come “organico”, “negative space”, “fattore wow”, che probabilmente non hanno alcun senso neanche per loro ma che noi, in quanto creativi, dobbiamo tradurre in realtà.  

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Sound & Lite – Show Design – Pt. 1

Prima di cominciare la nostra rubrica, crediamo sia il il caso di presentarci ai lettori.

Io mi chiamo Jacopo Ricci, sono nato a Roma, classe ’94, e ho sempre avuto la passione per la tecnologia. Ho approcciato questo mondo molto alla larga, cominciando ad organizzare serate in discoteche a Roma, per poi approdare in TV a fare la mia gavetta come elettricista, fino a che non ho ricevuto la prima richiesta di lavoro come programmatore e operatore luci per una discoteca di Ibiza, l’Hi.

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19th Parnelli Awards NextGen Award nomination

LAS VEGAS – For the 19th Annual Parnelli Awards, the Board of Advisors decided to add a new honor – The Parnelli NextGen Award. It will be presented along with the other awards at the Jan. 17 ceremony at the Anaheim Hilton during NAMM. “We set out to feature individuals in the live event business, who while they haven’t been in the industry more than half their life, have already made a mark,” explains PLSN Editor Nook Schoenfeld. “These nominees are the next crop of rising stars destined to be household names.”

Read more “19th Parnelli Awards NextGen Award nomination”

Jacopo Ricci, LD for Fedez

This month, PLSN is proud to introduce Jacopo Ricci, a talented man from Italy who only turned 25 a couple months ago. He had a mutual friend send me some images of his work with a popular pop song/rap artist by the name of Fedez. Federico Leonardo Lucia released his debut album in 2011 and has been networking his way to fame in Europe ever since. With releases of albums, mix tapes and all sorts of media the artist has gained some exposure as well as heading on tour recently with a highly touted visually stimulating performance.

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Clay Paky illuminates Fedez – LD Jacopo Ricci reveals…

With his rap music, a tattooed body, multiple television roles and hourly social media posts, Fedez incarnates the modern ideal of a versatile, interactive showman.

Lighting Designer Jacopo Ricci made a fundamental contribution to staging Fedez’s show by selecting a high-impact lighting system, consisting of 52 Mythos 2 units and twenty Claypaky B-EYE K20s, all supplied by Mister X service based in Grumello Cremonese.

Read more “Clay Paky illuminates Fedez – LD Jacopo Ricci reveals the tour secrets”

Fedez’s Paranoia Airlines Tour 2019: DTS Katana Protagonist

The Paranoia Airlines Tour 2019 is Fedez’s last live effort, which ended last April.

In the concerts of the tour, Fedez interacted with the infinite images of an ultra-modern and spectacular video / light show – 40 KATANA by DTS were comprised in the light plot – creating a very stimulating visual performance.

Jacopo Ricci described the synergy between KATANAs and LED walls

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